TIPP 7: Communicate and Reinforce Goals and Expectations
This TIPP refers to goals and expectations related to both academics and behavior. Setting high yet achievable academic goals and expectations for students motivates their performance and builds self-efficacy. Students who are expected to perform well academically are more likely to do well behaviorally and emotionally. It is also important that students understand what is allowed and not allowed in the classroom why certain rules of conduct exist (e.g., remaining at your seat so that others can focus on their work). If expectations for behavior are unclear or poorly and inconsistently enforced, teaching and learning will suffer and teachers will be more likely to use punitive discipline strategies when challenges arise.
Of course, messaging about goals and expectations is most effective when there is trust and mutual respect between teachers and their students. As covered in TIPP 5 (Develop and Model Positive Relationships), strong, positive, trusting relationships are fundamental to trauma work in schools.