How to write a research paper discussion

Pitfall 2. This how to write a research paper discussion has been cited by other articles in PMC. Masri on May 23, at am. There are several ways to make the discussion section of your manuscript effective, interesting, and relevant. Twitter Facebook LinkedIn. Overstated conclusions should be avoided because the data does not support these statements and can mislead the reader. Proper research paper outline abstract of the manuscript with the appropriate journal requires clear, and complete comprehension of the available data from scientific point of view. However writing manuscripts is a challenging endeavour in that we physicians have a heavy workload, and English which is common language used for the dissemination of scientific knowledge is not our mother tongue. Use the active voice if the people performing an action are important, but opt for the passive voice if it is the action rather than those who performed it that is key. An effective discussion section tells the reader what your study means and why it is important. Happy Client Policy. For example, if the study included only a small number of participants, you may wish to describe this limitation in the context of why so few subjects were available.