How to write an essay about my dream house

A trophy how to write an essay about my dream house would be the most how to write an essay about my dream house room. I would also like to have a media room where we can watch movies and play video games. The house that I live in is also my dream house as I am very interested in playing. My dream house's interior design should be carefully planned because I believe that beauty lies within the details. Follow Following. Geography How to write a strong conclusion for a research paper Set 1 My dream house would be having two floors, i. My house has a three-bed room and one beautiful balcony on the first floor. My house will have the most modern amenities and furniture in the latest designs. I wouldn't like to live in an apartment with blocks of flats and rude neighbors making noise in the middle of the night. It is the place where one can rest, have fun, and feel safe, too. HSC S. Email This BlogThis! Looking for expert help with your English work? There will also be a tiny pool behind the house. My dream house will have a big hall and a spacious kitchen with a long dining table. A bathroom would feature a bathtub and a shower cabin — nothing unusual. The day light is essential.