How to write a strong conclusion for a research paper

Written by Prof. Research Paper Writing Guides 24 likes. Make a Gift. Most research papers, such as one on effective treatment for diseases, will have the information to make the case for a particular argument already how to write a strong conclusion for a research paper the paper. Note that a call for action is not essential to all conclusions. Remember, the conclusion is the sample parts of a research paper part of the essay that your reader will see, so spend some time writing the conclusion so that you can end on a high note. Great work. You restate your aims and objectives and summarize your main findings and evidence for the reader. Holewa, Randa. Ask a provocative question. If your paper proceeds in an inductive manner and you have not fully explained the significance of your points yet, you need to do so in your conclusion. Related Posts. This is a very serious disease that is spreading quickly and with antibiotic-resistant forms. What do you think are the next steps to take? Your conclusion should make your readers glad they read your paper.