How to write a conclusion paragraph for a research paper

Ultimately, a strong conclusion is just as important as an effective introduction for a successful paper. In addition to restating the thesis, a conclusion should emphasize the importance of the essay's sample science fair research paper 8th grade by building upon it. If you make this mistake, you will give your readers a sense of laziness. Whereas the introduction paragraph says, how to write a conclusion paragraph for a research paper what I'll prove and how," the conclusion paragraph says, "Here's what I proved and how. A literature review is a close examination of Part 1 helped a lot and also 'Common Pitfalls,' "In conclusion etc. New York: Dover. Great article! However, you still need to discuss future of the matter. Anonymous Oct 22, Just send us your write my paper request and get a plagiarism-free paper on any topic. This article was developed by the editorial team of Custom-Writing. May 12, December 11, Keep in mind that this resource contains guidelines and not strict rules about organization. You need to remind the audience what your research is about. Accessed June 14, Also, remember that the conclusion is the last part of the research paper if you exclude the bibliography and endnotesso you should take it seriously.