Types of learning styles essay

Creative Thinking vs. As types of learning styles essay theorist, reflecting back content writing consultancy my past experience, I feel hesitant when contributing to group work due to lack of confidence, which then reflects in my work. Verbal learners content writing copywriting techniques such as scripting, mnemonics, role-playing and anything that including writing and speaking. When they acquire enough information about their learning styles, it enables them to locate areas that are harder and tricky to navigate for themselves. Various researchers show that each style of learning affects different parts of the mind. Coventry: Peter Honey Publications. We all have different personalities, so everyone has different ways of learning. If you are a verbal learner, you would like read and write. During my placement, when working with my mentor I discovered that I always ask the same questions repeatedly, which got my mentor frustrated at times. My own dominant traits found from Honey questionnaire includes; reflector and theorist. It describes the benefit of what student nurses are trying to achieve in developing strategies for their own learning. Heffler, B. They like to try things out and participate and always want to have fun. I will involve myself more into conversations with other people, getting ideas off them and working as a team to solve problems. If this was helpful, write to us. Furthermore, understanding each style has an advantage and disadvantage. Learning alone works well with some of the leading learning styles mentioned above. The understanding of learning styles will be useful to student nurses because it allows student nurses to have a better chance of overcoming any difficult situation.