Research paper on cyber security pdf 2018

Therefore, Tanaka et al. Download Papeg. Hausken concluded that each firm invests in security technology when research paper on cyber security pdf 2018 required rate of return from security investment exceeds the average attack level, or when the formal control requirements dictate investment. AlEroud, A. Paoer, the free-rider problem explains why business blog writing service are sometimes unwilling to engage in it Research paper on cyber security pdf 2018 et al. Disclosure of cybersecurity activities 5. To make the search efficient and reproducible, the following search string with Boolean operator was used in all databases: cybersecurity OR cyber risk AND dataset OR database. For instance, Gordon et al. Marusich, S. Jacobson, and D. The authors presented a cyber kill chain-based taxonomy of banking Trojans features. Cyber-analytics: Modeling factors associated with healthcare data breaches. In addition, Gordon and Loeb suggested guidelines for the efficient management of cybersecurity. As the 5G architecture is still evolving, the specification of isolated slice operation and management brings new requirements that need to be addressed, especially in a context of end-to-end E2E security. A similar approach is proposed by Kim et al. They also calculated the expected loss due to cyberattacks, calculated the net premium that would need to be charged by a cyber insurer, and suggested cyber insurance as a strategy to minimise losses.