How to write the findings section of a research paper

These negative findinfs that do not support a particular hypothesis should be noted in the results section, and then explained in the Discussion section. Aggarwal, R. Introduction and tthe thesis chapters The introduction chapter tells the how to write the findings section of a research paper your research topic and why it fidnings to be researched. Control business writing essay samples data. Furthermore, show how your research has advanced the field. What do the results mean? The purpose of a Results section is to present the key results of your research. Results: Here you write only what the results of your experiments were. As a general rule, tables and figures should be numbered according to first mention in the main text of the paper, and each one should be clearly introduced and explained at least briefly in that text so that readers know what is presented and what they are expected to see in a particular visual element. It will be easier for the readers to see the similarities and differences among the groups.