How to write a senior project research paper

Then begin your outline based upon the structure below. The following forums are suggested for the presentation of research:. Study lib. The paper should be submitted in 12pt font, double-spaced throughout. Commentary on the negative outcomes Your words Sneior. Conclusion A. Feedback rsearch the progress report should be provided by the advisor. As you begin the paragraphs, start by the general ideas, and then you narrow down tl specific details and evidence writing a narrative essay for college support the claim as you progress into the paragraphs that come below the how to write a senior project research paper part of the pyramid. Commentary on each of the turning points Use your own words D. Faculty advisors may be assigned; however, acceptance of the assignment is voluntary. General Guidelines for Scientific Writing. The proposal will be reviewed by a faculty committee, who will notify the student by the end of April whether or not the proposal has been approved. Full sentence outlines are often accompanied with an APA reference list on a separate page. A research proposal of 3—5 pages 12pt double-spaced single-sided must be submitted for review by April 15, 5pm in the junior year, sent to the undergraduate chair as a pdf attachment. The written report should demonstrate an essentially complete understanding of the basic scientific issues and the current status of research in this area. Topic-selection The student will devise his or her own topic in consultation with the faculty advisor s. Do not forget to give credit to other researchers that you have referred to in your paper, and make sure you stay on course by focusing on key issues because you will cover a large amount of research when working on your paper.