Example of recommendation in research paper pdf

Research implications are basically the conclusions that you draw reseach your reocmmendation and second amendment research paper outline how the findings may be important for rresearch, practice, or theory. Recommendation Ezample NCS should consider the proposed household enumeration approach to be experimental and should conduct carefully designed field studies to clearly establish the statistical and practical implications of the proposed adjudicated listing approach. Conclusion The large, nationally representative, equal probability sample design, together with the inclusion do my c programming homework a large number of outcome and example of recommendation in research paper pdf measures over a long time span, are major strengths of the NCS. Like the scientists associated with the study itself, we are eager for it to succeed. Conclusion The data collection model adopted by the NCS is complex, will challenge the abilities of the staff and coordinating center to example of recommendation in research paper pdf a uniform and consistent national data collection, and may compromise key study objectives. You can learn from Dr. Physical Exposure Measures Recommendation The NCS should provide a clearer rationale for some of the housing and neighborhood conditions it proposes to measure and revisit its data collection plans to ensure that needed measures are obtained at developmental stages when children may be more vulnerable to risk factors. Q: In research, what is the difference between implication and recommendation? Recommendation The NCS should adopt a clear mechanism by which genetic association studies are internally and, optimally, externally validated before any results are published or released to the media. Answer: Research implications basically refer to impact that your research might have on future research or policy decision or the relevant field of interest of your study. Using the Vanguard Centers as Pilots Recommendation We strongly urge the NCS to delay enrollment at new sites to make effective use of initial findings from participant enrollment and data collection in the Vanguard Center sites to improve study procedures, as appropriate, and to refine key concepts, hypotheses, and measures of outcomes and exposures. To protect respondent confidentiality, all analyses should be performed with the kind of strict safeguards employed by the Census Bureau research data centers. Answer: Nice question. If the set of segments in a PSU can be classified by combined exposure to a group of important chemical agents, this information could then be used to form varying exposure-level strata for segment sampling in each PSU and thus ensure a range of ambient exposure to relevant environmental agents. In this Page. In particular, the sample design is an appropriate platform for the study, considering resource constraints, the need to represent all population groups and geographic areas, and the difficulty of devising an alternative disproportionate sampling scheme that would not unduly disadvantage some groups and areas that turn out to be of analytical interest.