Writing discussion section of research paper

What points should be paid attention about writing rules, and grammar? On the other hand, relevant or irrelevant feedbacks received from our colleagues can contribute to the robotic arm research paper pdf of the manuscript. Related: Avoid outright rejection with a well-structured manuscript. Writing discussion section of research paper coming from the reviewers should be criticized, but a defensive attitude should not be assumed during this evaluation process. After identifying the problem, state the main reason that this study was needed. Let us know in the comments section below! So, if you have got as far as writing up the results for your scientific paper and formatting and putting together your publication-worthy figurestoo, then congratulations. Bordage, G. Introduction: Do You Know the Difference? On the other hand in the last paragraph, future directions or potential clinical applications may be emphasized. The case for structuring the discussion of scientific papers: Much the same as that for structuring abstracts. Written by Suryatapa Ghosh. The focus of this paragraph is to highlight the most important contribution that your study has made. The length of the discussion should fit with the type of article and maximum word count permitted for the journal. Identifying reliable indicators of fitness in polar bears.