Writing an overview for a research paper

While some steps essay type test pdf not apply to your particular assignment, writing an overview for a research paper of this as more of a general guideline to overvidw you on track. Academic and Professional Writing. Instead writing an overview for a research paper simply saying that the topic is important, show why the topic is important. A case-control study of risk factors for intraoperative suprachoroidal expulsive hemorrhage. If prior to your conclusion you have not yet pa;er the significance of your findings or if you are proceeding inductively, use the end of your paper to add your points up, to explain their significance. Do not quote passages that are too long: make it short, pithy, and relevant. In this section it is important to give the reasons why you picked this experiment and show the background research you did for it. Failure to credit sources is plagiarism and can result in serious consequences, ranging from getting an F on an assignment to being suspended from the university. Often you will need both primary and secondary sources for your research paper. Also, information sheets listing useful Internet resources for various subject areas are located in the Reference area. Keys to Success: Develop this section well so that your reader has a clear idea of the depth and complexity of the research problem, and an understanding of the major issues. Check the journal requirements. However, you also want to avoid general topics and instead stick with topics specific enough that you can cover all the relevant information without cutting too much.