What does introduction mean in a research paper

Cookie Settings. Focus on terms that you might use slightly differently than your readers might expect, and define them accordingly Case Western Reserve University For example, instead of writing "The development of new materials is important for the automotive industry," you could write, "The development of new materials is necessary for the what does introduction mean in a research paper introduce yourself mba essay sample to produce stronger, lighter vehicles, which will improve safety and fuel economy. While a scientific research paper is not a film script and no professor will expect an earthquake when sitting down to read the introduction paragraph of your research paper, you still want to achieve a similar effect with your introduction paragraph: Your introduction paragraph needs to captivate and win over the reader immediately. About This Article. Below you can find two examples from term papers Tossey, Lisa. These arguments must support your research. The delivery time depends on your postal code. The victims of these crimes are both gang members and people outside of gangs. Bern: Haupt. Edit this Article. Abstract Vs. Carbohydrates represent the most important source of energy for the body, and are vital for a varied and balanced diet. How to write an Introduction — Step 3: Subject of your research paper or essay When writing the introduction to your research paper or an introductory paragraph for your essayit is crucial to name what you will be researching. Consider giving an overview of the paper. Research Paper Writing Guides 23 likes. Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below. You need to express yourself clearly throughout your paper so if you leave an unfamiliar term or concept unexplained you risk your readers not having a clear understanding of your argument.