Sample review comments for research paper

Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If there is a formal report format, remember to follow it. Also, if you have any questions about writing effective reviewer comments, samplw do let us know. Sample review comments for research paper shows the editor how you interpreted sample review comments for research paper manuscript and will highlight any major differences in perspective between you and the other research paper about humanities pdf. Other fesearch require a more formal approach. You should also decline if you will gain any potential financial or personal benefits from publication of the work. If there are critical flaws in this, it's very likely the manuscript will need to be rejected. If you find a major problem, note your reasoning and clear supporting evidence including citations. However, if the language is too poor to understand the contents adequately, then alert the journal editor. Some journals offer the option to recommend rejection with the possibility of resubmission — this is most relevant where substantial, major revision is necessary. Necessary Necessary. How to peer review. Getting started as a reviewer Responding to an invitation Reading a manuscript Writing a peer review. Keen to know more about academic publishing? An effective discussion informs readers what can be learned from your…. Obviously, where older research is seminal or where aspects of the methodology rely upon it, then it is perfectly appropriate for authors to cite some older papers.