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Sample research paper on rheumatoid arthritis

Table 2. Published online Apr arthrktis Interestingly, a subset of RA sample research paper on rheumatoid arthritis has shown the presence of anti-hinge antibodies specifically directed towards the IgG4 hinge and this was correlated with the presence of RF and ACPA. There is evidence that autoimmune conditions run in families. Included individuals were followed-up over 5 years. Bone erosion Bone loss is a pathological hallmark of RA and manifests as localized, periarticular and systemic bone loss. Strengths and limitations The main strength of the SCREEN-RA study is its longitudinal design, with physical and biological data collected in a controlled environment, using standard operating procedures. Aberrant activation of TGF-beta in subchondral bone at the onset of rheumatoid arthritis joint destruction. Save this study. Female hormonal factors and the development of anti-citrullinated protein antibodies in women at risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Supplemental material [bmjopensupp

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