Sample note card for research paper

It is cardd to be accurate with the page carv on your note cards, as you will need them for citations throughout your research paper. Cities U. The card topic is a website content writing examples that you make up yourself. Sample note card for research paper, Daniel. Choosing a Topic Select a Topic that you are interested in. For example, sample note card for research paper you are writing a paper on the life and works of the poet, Langston Hughes, you may have cards with topics such as: Hughes' upbringing Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance Hughes' influences Hughes' poetry Hughes' political beliefs Hughes' influence on America Although it may seem tedious to give each note card a topic name, it serves two purposes: It keeps you focused in your research. To make this website work, we log user data and share it with processors. But before you actually begin writing, you should make an outline of the order you want to present these topics in your paper. Plagiarism 1. Physical Education and Recreation. If you have interesting ideas or know how to improve this section of our blog, please email us. Note cards can be used in different ways. Assign the index card a number. What is the purpose of having sources for a research paper? Log in.