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Sample critical review of a research paper

Grading criteria for research critique In your summary, you sample critical review of a research paper identify main elements of the research including 1. Are sections divided logically into subsections or paragraphs? The following examples flyer content writing from published critical reviews. However, you should address highlighted questions as you are writing your critique part. Are the possible effects of uncontrolled variables on the results discussed? Request Info Request info for Is the article organized logically and easy to follow? Here is a sample extract from a critical review of an article. Does it match the one in the introduction? Look at the following sections: Introduction What was the objective of the study? Modality Modal verbs and other expressions are used to express degrees of certainty and probability from high to low. Are recommendations for future research made? If an instrument was developed specifically for the study, are the procedures involved in its development and validation described?

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