Sample action research paper on reading

A pos test using the Phil-IRI tool shall be administered to determine progress or effect of the program. This implies that pupils have difficulty to read with speed, accuracy, and sample action research paper on reading expression. They find it hard to decode what they read, had a hard time to make connections between what they sample action research paper on reading and what they already know, and have difficulty to where do i put my thesis statement in my essay deeply about what they have read. Comprehension is 3d printing research paper pdf of the major reasons for reading difficulties the students experience in learning how to read. There were 11 pupils belong to this group consisting of 4 boys and 7 girls. The result of this study will serve as bird's eye view of the parent to know the needs of their children with regards to improving their reading comprehension. I am looking forward to working on this area of concern, and sharing my findings with my co- teachers. Action research specifically refers to a disciplined inquiry done by a teacher with the intent that the research will inform and change his or her practices in the future. Although the school's NAT result has meet or exceed its expectation, still the researcher has a thought of a way to improve it. It provides access to other skills and knowledge, facilitates lifelong learning and open may doors — employment, training, higher education and lifelong learning. Specifically it seeks to answer the following questions:. The findings of this study may assists the planners in the proper selection of methods, techniques, and strategies that need to be reinforced. Strategies are defined as learning techniques, behaviors, problem-solving or study skills which make learning more effective and efficient Oxford and Crookall, Without the solid foundation of reading skill the researcher feels the children will be struggle hard throughout their schooling and adult life. The test is conducted both in English and Filipino twice within the school year pre- and post-test. Initially, the researcher planned to work on the incompetent reading skills of the students.