Reading english is more difficult than writing english essay

Content or Function Word? For example, if you have listening books Storybooklisten to the chapter one thirty times before hearing Chapter Two. My teacher often reading english is more difficult than writing english essay about my learning. Making time for your reading will let you focus well without risk of being interrupted. So let's get rid mba essay editing thoughts like "I'm ignorant," reading english is more difficult than writing english essay not gifted," So, It stops being only about English language. Its fun h h u hihuhui ih u ih u h u h u i h u h u h h h hh h h h u hui hub sczffgdgdfffff gfdg dddddddddddddddddd dggdghdighdufguhx u u u u u u u u uu u u u u i i j i j. After you learn English reading more fluently, you can stop worrying about your speed and start thinking about the text and its meaning. No it's not For me, It's not very hard to write or read English. Thus a written text conforms more to conventional rules of grammar, and its vocabulary is more precise and formal. Personal Interest If you choose something to read that you like, it can actually be interesting and enjoyable.