Pollution research paper pdf

To read the full version of this content please select reseatch of pollution research paper pdf options below:. The researvh assessed air pollution exposure levels of Khayelitsha and Marconi-Beam neighbourhoods that are not monitored pollution research paper pdf the fixed-site monitoring station provided by the government. Frequency Quarterly. Volume 1 Sampling time was 10 min on average. Online ISSN Materials and methods: Weekly ambient air pollution measurements of Particulate Matter less than 2. However, polultion measures that how to write a research paper outline pdf help address the outlined occupational health and environmental safety-related issues will go a long way in mitigating or curbing the socio-economic, environmental, health and safety impacts of PREs and industrial wastes. Therefore, this paper presents a concise review of the acute and chronic effects of PREs on the health and safety of residents living within the vicinity of petroleum refineries. Conclusion: Whilst there are no legislative guidelines to compare the measured weekly average results, the concentrations were still lower than the World Health Organization WHOand South African air quality standards values for PM2. Histopathological changes caused by noise exposure in lung, heart, kidney, and liver tissues in New Zealand white rabbits. The outcome of the seasonal exposure levels will be compared with the South African ambient air quality standards to ascertain the risk of potential exposure to significant levels of PM 2. There are no charges for publishing with Inderscience, unless you require your article to be Open Access OA. Accordingly, high quality research works falling within mentioned scopes are welcomed. Advanced Science Index. Volume 2 Submitted papers may be theoretical, interpretative or experimental. Alireza Noorpoor.