How to write a research paper for art history

The How to write a research paper for art history Bucket List. Use research paper thesis format converter to calculate how many pages a certain number Explain your responses and support them with evidence. In general, the structure of the art research paper should include gor introduction, the main histoty with at least three main parts, and a conclusion. Arabic numbers are used for footnotes. In fact, developing an outline provides you with a general framework within which you need to work to write well-structured art research papers. Some assignments in art history ask you to do outside research i. Are you being asked to use the same methods to analyze objects as you would for paintings? Her hips suggest that she has had several children. When writing a stylistic analysis, ask yourself: How does this work fit the style of its historical period? Scale How large is the object overall? After deciding on a topic, make sure to ask for the titles of a few key books or articles you should consult to help you get started.