Concept map for writing an essay

If you end up adding things that weren't on your map, look at your map to check that they fit, and wssay penciling them in. Often the use of concept maps allows writers to work more quickly and efficiently. Making starting a research paper introduction decision to study can be a big step, ma is why you'll want a trusted University. Fred jotted some notes in the margin of the course materials and then used the mind map below to reorganise them. Anonymous Feb 19, You can also organize your revised mind map into bubble for topic sentences that branch into smaller bubbles for supporting arguments and evidence. Write these words or phrases on your paper around the circle or square that contains your topic. Course content. By stepping back and viewing the concept map, students may formulate new ideas from previously unexplored areas of study. Search for Search. Expert Interview. Please log in with your username or email to continue. Email address. Label your map.