Cloud storage research paper pdf

This work cloud storage research paper pdf licensed restaurant review example essay a Creative Commons Attribution 4. Published: Jan 26, International Journal of Information Management. Cloud storage is a model of computer cloud storage research paper pdf storage in which the digital data is stored in logical poolssaid to be on " the cloud ". Cloud computing is considered as the delivery of various services via internet cloud storage research paper pdf data storage, severs, database and networking software. Examples of file storage services include Amazon Elastic File System EFS and Qumulo Core[8] used for applications that need access to shared files and require a file system. Rhea, C. Network World. Awareness about energy is considered as the biggest challenge for cloud computing system because adaption of cloud computing with increase in cost for energy. Companies can: [21] [22] [23]. InBox announced an online file sharing and personal cloud content management service for businesses. For consumer-level file hosting services, see file hosting service. Even the email, online banking, social media and online shopping is also the known example of cloud com- puting. Cloud storage is based on highly virtualized infrastructure and is like broader cloud computing in terms of interfaces, near-instant elasticity and scalabilitymulti-tenancyand metered resources. Second, through the cloud infrastructure and utilization of virtualization and distributed computing techniques, resources from server clusters are made available to enhance the data redundancy factor and efficiency for document access. Retrieved October 2,